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HTML Paragraph: <p> defines the paragraph in HTML


<p>This is first paragraph.</p>
<p>This is second paragraph.</p>
<p>This is third paragraph.</p>

Display in HTML: you can not change how HTML will display the content by using spaces because the content will adjust as visible browser space on the screen if a paragraph is 10 lines when the browser is small it may display 5 lines when you enlarge browser.


In this paragraph 
lines are written
in lot of lines but
the browser ignores it.

In this paragraph
lines, we    have   used
unnecessary   spaces    but
the browser ignores it.

Break in HTML: <br> tag is used to break the lines in HTML. It is an empty tag and has no end tag.


<p> In this paragraph <br>
lines are written in a lot of lines<br>
 but the browser ignores it. </p>

Pre in HTML: <pre> tag defines the preformatted text, in this tag text is displayed with fixed with font and it preserves both spaces and line breaks.

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