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Difference between authentication and authorization

In this article, we will learn what is the difference between authentication and authorization. The terms authentication and authorization are related to the webserver which verifies the visitor’s identity and grants access to the specific resource which is permitted to the visitors.

Authentication is a process of verifying the customers, visitors, and users identity with their username and password.

Common authentication methods:
Username and password:
The signed form will be shown to the customers and the customers can enter their username and password.

One time password, which can be shared with users through SMS or email

The users can enter the PIN code to identify their identity.

Authorization is a process of checking the user’s permissions and allow the users to access the resources which are permitted to the users.

In simple words, the authorization helps in controlling the user’s access to the resources and actions based on the users permissions. For example, in the content management system, the user may belong to the editor role, subscriber role or administrator role etc.