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Data structure and algorithms

  1. The set of rules to be followed in calculations is an algorithm,
  2. Problem-solving operation is an algorithm,
  3. These set of rules or instructions solve a class of problems
Terms related to algorithms
  1. Every algorithm must satisfy the following properties,
  2. These properties can measure the effectiveness of the software,
  3. The algorithm may associate with computational processes,
  4. Input: An algorithm should have a specified set of input,
  5. Output: An algorithm must produce output as a result.,
  6. Finiteness: An algorithm must terminate at a finite number of iteration,
  7. Definiteness: All instruction set must be precisely defined,
  8. Effectiveness: Each step of algorithms should complete an infinite set of times
Big o notation
  1. The complexity of an algorithm can be measured in Big-O,
  2. Which mean a number of operation performed by the algorithms to return a result,
  3. Big-O notation represents the upper limits of an algorithm costs, O(n),
  4. O(n): n is the sie of the input,
  5. Bi-O is an upper bound,
  6. Big-Ω is lower bound