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What is MongoDB? Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB and its features

  MongoDB and its Advantages What is MongoDB, MongoDB is a Database Management System that comes into a NoSQL database category. And MongoDB is an open-source tool. The main feature of MongoDB is its document-oriented Database. MongoDB helps in the scalability and flexibility of high volume data systems. The document…

Benefits of Honey must read

Benefits of Honey must read

Benefits of Honey: Honey is a viscous food substance. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) by regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation. Bees store honey in wax structures called a honeycomb. Honey popular and widely used sweetener full of benefits. Benefits of Honey Used to…

Node.js online test

Node.js online test

Node.js online test Node.js online test is a set of questions with multiple-choice. You can choose the most suitable answer.  This Question paper contains the questions which are frequently asked in interviews. Node.js online test will show the score once you finish the test. If the score is less  you…