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Data preprocessing in machine learning with python

In this chapter, you will learn about data preprocessing in machine learning with python. Data preprocessing is a very important step in machine learning. You can visit the website Super data science and download the

Machine Learning A-Z Template Folder
Under section 2.

After download extract the file, now we can follow the below steps in data preprocessing

Step 1:
In this step, you have to collect the datasets, collect if you have the datasets or create it.

Csv data for machine learning

Step 2:
Import Libraries:
Note: I am using the spyder editor.
Now create a file, data-processing-template.py, we are writing code snippets in the same file, now import the below libraries which are important for managing the datasets.

import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import pandas as pd

Step 3:
Import the dataset file
Now import the datasets, paste the CSV file in your directory.

#Import library

import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import pandas as pand

#Import data

dataset = pand.read_csv('ml-data.csv')
X = dataset.iloc[:,:].values

print('\n\n\n*********************************************** \n')
print('Machine Learning Data Set \n\n\n')

print('\n\n\n X values before managing missing values\n\n\n')

# Output in the console
# *********************************************** 
# Machine Learning Data Set 

#    ID    Name   Age     Bill
# 0   1    John  40.0  40000.0
# 1   2   Stark  30.0  50000.0
# 2   3  Mickel  35.0  60000.0
# 3   4   Steve   NaN      NaN

#  X values before managing missing values

# [[1 'John' 40.0 40000.0]
#  [2 'Stark' 30.0 50000.0]
#  [3 'Mickel' 35.0 60000.0]
#  [4 'Steve' nan nan]]

Now run the above code, it will print the content of the CSV file.
Note: Editor is being used, Spyder

Import data set csv


Step 4:
Missing data:
The complete data may not available all time, there might be chances that some rows of the data go missing.

#Import library

import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import pandas as pand

#Import data

dataset = pand.read_csv('ml-data.csv')
X = dataset.iloc[:,:].values

print('\n*********************************************** \n')
print('Machine Learning Data Set \n\n\n')

print('\n\n\n X values before managing missing values\n\n\n')

#Manage missing data

from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
imputer = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='mean')
imputer = imputer.fit(X[:,2:4])
X[:,2:4] = imputer.transform(X[:,2:4])

print('\n\n\n X values after handling missing values \n\n\n')

# Output in the console
# *********************************************** 
# Machine Learning Data Set 

#    ID    Name   Age     Bill
# 0   1    John  40.0  40000.0
# 1   2   Stark  30.0  50000.0
# 2   3  Mickel  35.0  60000.0
# 3   4   Steve   NaN      NaN

#  X values before managing missing values

# [[1 'John' 40.0 40000.0]
#  [2 'Stark' 30.0 50000.0]
#  [3 'Mickel' 35.0 60000.0]
#  [4 'Steve' nan nan]]

#  X values after handling missing values 

# [[1 'John' 40.0 40000.0]
#  [2 'Stark' 30.0 50000.0]
#  [3 'Mickel' 35.0 60000.0]
#  [4 'Steve' 35.0 50000.0]]

Manage missing data csv

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