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Operators in the Javascript

In this chapter, you will about the operators in the Javascript. Operators perform some kind of operation on the left and right side operands. The operation may addition, subtraction or division. Let’s see the syntax that how operators can be used

Operators in the Javascript

[left side operand] [operator] [right side operand] 2 + 2

Let’s see the kind of operators in Javascript
Arithmetic operator: The arithmetic operator can perform the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Let’s look at the below code snippet


// addition
let left = 2;
let right = 2;
let result = left + right;

left = 4;
right = 4;

result = left + right;
// output
// 4
// 8


// subtraction
let left = 2;
let right = 1;
let result = left - right;

left = 4;
right = 2;

result = left - right;
// output
// 1
// 2


// multiplication
let left = 2;
let right = 1;
let result = left * right;

left = 4;
right = 2;

result = left * right;
// output
// 2
// 8


// division
let left = 2;
let right = 1;
let result = left / right;

left = 4;
right = 2;

result = left / right;
// output
// 2
// 2

Logical operators:
Logical operators are AND (&&) and OR (||). These operators can be used to evaluate one or more conditions to perform some actions. Let’s see the below code snippet.

Let’s see an example for AND (&&) operator:

// logical
let user = {
    name: 'John',
    isAdmin: true,
    isActive : true

if(user.isAdmin === true && user.isActive === true) {
    console.log('User has admin access');
} else {
    console.log('User dont have admin access');

// output
// User has admin access

Let’s see an example for OR (||), operator:

// logical
let user = {
    name: 'John',
    isAdmin: true,
    isActive : false

if(user.isAdmin === true || user.isActive === true) {
    console.log('User has admin access');
} else {
    console.log('User dont have admin access');

// output
// User has admin access

Typeof operator in Javascript:
Typeof is a kind of operator in Javascript that return type of the variable. Let’s look at some examples

let number = 1;
let string = 'Name';
let isAdmin = true;
let user = {
    name: 'John'

console.log(typeof number);
console.log(typeof string);
console.log(typeof isAdmin);
console.log(typeof user);

// out put
// number
// string
// boolean
// object

Ternary operator:
The ternary operator is shorthand of if-else condition. The logic is the same as the if-else condition, but it can be done in a single line. Let’s look at some examples.
It is also called as a conditional operator.

let user = {
    name: 'John',
    isAdmin: true,
    isActive : false

let doesUserHasAccess = user.isAdmin ? 'User has admin access' : 'User doesnt have admin access'; 

// output
// User has admin access

let user = {
    name: 'John',
    isAdmin: false,
    isActive : false

let doesUserHasAccess = user.isAdmin ? 'User has admin access' : 'User doesnt have admin access'; 

// output
// User doesnt have admin access


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