Nodejs Learn Simpli September 6, 2019 no Comments 1. How is the module is imported in Node.js? Using module.import Using require() function. Using include() function Using app.use() function None 2. What is the default scope in Node.js application. Local Global Global Function Local to object None 3. Which database Node.js application can access among the following ? Relational databases NoSQL databases Both None None 4. What can be used install/update/delete Third-party packages? Node.exe Node Package Manager Module.exports REPL None 5. Which of the following option is correct for Node.js application runs on? Single thread Multiple threads Single Process Multiple Processes None 6. Which class is used to create and consume custom events in Node.js among the following options? Locomotive Express.js Geddy EventEmitter None 7. What does Node.js run on? Client server both none None 8. in Node.js which of the following core module is used to create a web server ? url fs connect http None 9. Which are valid languages for Node.js in the following options? C# C++ Java JavaScript None 10. Simple or complex functionality organized in a single or multiple JavaScript files which can be reused throughout your Node.js application is called as? Module Library Package Function None 11. Which platform does Nodejs support? Windows Macintosh Unix/Linux All of the above None 12. What can be used to export the Node.js modules? module.expose module module.exports all of the above None 13. What tool automates various tasks of Node.js application? GruntJS Express.js NPM None of the above None 14. Which template engines can be used with Node.js among the following options? Vash Handlebars Jade All None 1 out of 14 You have scored %CORRECT_SCORE% Please submit the test to see the answers Name